Clue Into Cleveland Blogs, Ohio Blogging Edition

Last night, a handful of Cleveland bloggers headed to Tremont for July’s Ohio Blogging Meetup. Before converging on the Lincoln Park Pub for Taco Tuesday and a chat about blogging, we browsed the Tremont Farmers’ Market. I grabbed a peach and cherry pie from Gray House Pies and chicken paprikash…

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Ohio Blogging at Whole Foods University Heights

Valentine’s Day is only a couple days away. If you go out to celebrate, WhyCLE has Cleveland Valentine’s events for every sense and Bite Buff has some delicious dining options for you. Me? Scott and I keep it quiet on Valentine’s Day because we celebrate our anniversary the following week. This year,…

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Events Around Cleveland: Jump Back Two Spaces Edition

Bummed that Jump Back Ball is still over a month away? Unable to go this year? Fortunately, there are a few things going on in Cleveland between now and February 23 to wet your Jump Back whistle. Get a Clue! Trivia Night Jump Back Ball is hosted each year by PlayhouseSquare Partners, the…

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5 Recommendations for Wintertime Fun in Cleveland

Today is the Ohio Blogging Association‘s All State Blog Swap where bloggers from all around the state are swapping posts. This guest post is by Danielle from Find Time for Fun. Born and raised in Northeast Ohio, Danielle wanted to share her love of the area with her two young…

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Tremont Doubleheader: OH Blogging and CLE Beer Week

Sadly the bulk of Cleveland Beer Week falls during one of work’s busiest times of year so I haven’t really had a chance to enjoy much of the festivities. However, when I saw on Monday that Tremont Taphouse was showing Monty Python and the Holy Grail on their patio and serving up ale in Grail goblets you […]

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OBA's Night at the Theatre with PlayhouseSquare Partners

Sometimes when I’ve been go-go-go on a project, it’s really easy for me to lose sight of why I’m doing it.  In those cases, I have to take a step back and try to look at things as if I’m brand new to it. I had the chance to do that last…

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Harvest for Hunger: Hunger is closer than you think

The last couple of years have been a difficult wakeup call for many.  With an unstable economy, issues such as hunger and people’s inability to afford food have become more widespread and pressing than in recent decades. In our own region it’s a signficant and growing concern, with the Cleveland Foodbank’s distribution rate up by 59% in the last three years and a recent article in the New […]

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