Exxopolis lights up PlayhouseSquare's International Children's Festival

Last night, Scott and I stepped off the streets of Cleveland into an alien world. I can’t do it justice, but what looked a little like Bowser’s Super Mario World Castle from the outside, on the inside was like walking through a series of gigantic balloons. If you were down…

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Tri-C JazzFest Review: Lionel Loueke Trio at MOCA Cleveland

I have a not-so-secret obsession when it comes to organizing things. I feel bad sometimes for Scott who has to put up with my unquenchable urge for lists, schedules and Google Docs (though he does admit he’d be lost without them). The funny thing is that I wasn’t always like this. My parents lovingly (and sometimes worriedly)…

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Cleveland Date-rday: CLE Botanical Garden and Shakespeare

Congrats to entry 6 – Jess(ly) in Cleveland – for winning tickets to Band Aid Bash! Tickets are available for MedWish’s fundraiser at medwish.org/bab2013. Come back Friday to win tickets to Tri-C Jazz Fest! It’s no secret, Scott and I spend a lot of time together. A LOT. We carpool and work…

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Spring into Upcoming Events in Cleveland

As we March into Spring, eager to trade in those winter coats for short sleeves, Cleveland is full of upcoming events to help shake the winter blahs. Here are a few I’m looking forward to. Be sure to leave a comment with your picks! Please follow and like us:

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Cleveland Public Theatre's Transformative Akarui

When I compare it to other theatres, what sets Cleveland Public Theatre apart is that I never know what to expect when I walk in their doors.  When I see a show there, I get the same on-edge excitement as when I stick my hand into a mystery box at a…

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The Cleveland Marathon 5K: Learning to run just for fun

Months ago I had a huge plan for this past weekend – I made a calendar and thought I had all the time in the world to train, train, train for the Cleveland Marathon’s 5K. Then life got in the way. While I was able to squeeze in a run on the treadmill most weeks and kept up […]

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Making Our Escape to Geneva-on-the-Lake

As a kid, my favorite time of year would be when we’d travel down to the Chesapeake Bay in Virginia during the summer. Mornings would be spent waking up to the sound of the waves outside our windows, followed by days fishing, swimming, and rowing. If I wasn’t in the water, I’d be nearby – […]

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Guest Post: Market at the Foodbank Recap

Because Scott and I were at a wedding last weekend where this happened: I had to miss out on this year’s Market at the Foodbank. Fortunately, Kate Galo (you may remember her from this and also this guest post) was able to attend and blog on my behalf. Enjoy her recap below along with photos from Sarah Casto! I think it’s fair for […]

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