Cleveland Date-rday: CLE Botanical Garden and Shakespeare

Congrats to entry 6 – Jess(ly) in Cleveland – for winning tickets to Band Aid Bash! Tickets are available for MedWish’s fundraiser at Come back Friday to win tickets to Tri-C Jazz Fest! It’s no secret, Scott and I spend a lot of time together. A LOT. We carpool and work…

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Cleveland Botanical Garden's Holiday Glow

Cleveland’s weather hasn’t been able to make up its mind lately – some days have been beautiful and warm (definitely not December weather). Others draped in fog. And then this weekend’s forecast calls for rain and possibly snow. I know for me, this can make it difficult when putting together my holiday plans. Fortunately, you can surround yourself with…

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5 Recommendations for Wintertime Fun in Cleveland

Today is the Ohio Blogging Association‘s All State Blog Swap where bloggers from all around the state are swapping posts. This guest post is by Danielle from Find Time for Fun. Born and raised in Northeast Ohio, Danielle wanted to share her love of the area with her two young…

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All I Want for Cleve-Mas, Part 4: Fighting Cabin Fever

Have you entered the Clue Into Cleveland giveaway for a Dolce Gusto Piccolo coffee machine? Only a few days left to enter here! Cleveland winters get a bum rap. Although I know I’ll complain about it when we’re in the throws of February dealing with endless snow, during this time…

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Falling Into Fall with Cleveland Botanical Garden and Halloweekends

My favorite season of the year is finally here.  If I hadn’t looked at the calendar last week to see Fall had arrived, this weekend’s fluctuating weather would have clued me in. To celebrate the changing colors and crisp air, Scott and I had two days full of Fall fun. We started it…

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Guest Post – Orchid Mania: Purple Reign comes to the Cleveland Botanical Garden

One of the things I enjoy about Clue Into Cleveland is when someone offers to share their CLE experiences with me.  So, when my friend Elizabeth asked if she could write about the Botanical Garden’s Orchid Mania show, I immediately said yes. You may remember Elizabeth from her previous Clue Into Cleveland contributions: People-Watching Spots in Coventry and Celebrating…

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Cleveland Botanical Gardens: Escaping The Cold with a Touch of Spring

If my love for Cleveland Indians Snow Days was any indication, I am very fond of winter. While it’s not my favorite season (Fall holds that title), I like it a lot more than allergy-ridden Spring.  However, with all the snow and ice this past week, there have been moments…

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