Clue Into Cleveland Blogs, Ohio Blogging Edition

Last night, a handful of Cleveland bloggers headed to Tremont for July’s Ohio Blogging Meetup. Before converging on the Lincoln Park Pub for Taco Tuesday and a chat about blogging, we browsed the Tremont Farmers’ Market. I grabbed a peach and cherry pie from Gray House Pies and chicken paprikash…

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Tremont Doubleheader: OH Blogging and CLE Beer Week

Sadly the bulk of Cleveland Beer Week falls during one of work’s busiest times of year so I haven’t really had a chance to enjoy much of the festivities. However, when I saw on Monday that Tremont Taphouse was showing Monty Python and the Holy Grail on their patio and serving up ale in Grail goblets you […]

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Tremont's First Annual Steelyard Chef

Before Scott and I moved to Cleveland, we flew out one weekend to take a look at the city. We kept hearing about this place called Tremont from a couple of coworkers who used to live there. Unfortunately, this was before we owned our GPS and being a bit directionally challenged we couldn’t…

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Guest Post: Smitten with Tremont's Wine and Design

As you read this, I’m on the road to Virginia to spend the week with my family. While I’m gone, I have a few local bloggers clue-ing into the things they love about Cleveland. First up is Kimberly, who not just shares my enthusiasm for this city, but is also a wonderful…

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My First Dance with Velvet Tango Room at "Last Tango in Tremont"

I can finally cross another thing off my “What?!? You’ve never been there?” Cleveland list after I found myself on the doorstep of the Velvet Tango Room for the first time. If you don’t know what you’re looking for when you’re driving by Velvet Tango Room, you’ll likely miss it…

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Emerging Chefs' Last Tango in Tremont at Velvet Tango Room

A couple weeks ago Kimberly at Smitten…in CLE wrote that people fall into two categories — those who have been to Cleveland’s Velvet Tango Room and love it and those who have heard its praises sung but haven’t made it out there yet. Unfortunately, I fall in the latter. From the comfortable atmosphere of a vintage-style speakeasy…

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Blog Swap: MissWineOH says, Wines you HAVE to try

Today is the Ohio Blogging Association‘s Cleveland November Blog Swap. As part of it, I’m happy to introduce you to Tammy, Chief Tasting Officer at MissWineOH . On this day, bloggers from around the Northeast Ohio area are guest posting on one another’s blogs as a way to get to know…

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Clue Into Being Active in CLE

By no stretch of the imagination am I an athlete. If you’ve been following this blog even for a short while, you’ll know my huge loves are food and the arts. And although I enjoy watching sports, I don’t often participate in them. A huge reason for this is that I’m…

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