Intoxicating Pairings: Cleveland Beer Events for Those Who Like to Learn, Laugh or Draw

I’ve been on the road the past week, so this bit of blogkeeping is belated. Congratulations to Elizabeth P for winning 2 tickets to the Tri-C JazzFest! When I hear the phrase “beer pairings,” my thoughts – as yours probably do – immediately go to beer and food. From cheese…

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Q&A: The Intergalactic Nemesis' Jason Neulander

Update: Congrats, entry 9 – Michelle @tinktastic for winning The Intergalactic Nemesis giveaway. When it comes to the loves of my life, it goes Scott family and close friends Cleveland comic books  While that may be a slight exaggeration, my love for comic books and graphic novels goes beyond the act…

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GIVEAWAY: The Intergalactic Nemesis Live-Action Graphic Novel at PlayhouseSquare

UPDATE: After removing 2 pingbacks, congratulations to entry 9, Michelle @tinktastic for winning this giveaway. Please reply to my email confirming you can attend by 1/27. Imagine this: It’s 1933. Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter Molly Sloan is chasing down a story with her intrepid assistant Timmy Mendez and a mysterious librarian from Arizona…

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Wordless Wednesday: Celebrate Superman Day, April 18

Some blog-keeping: Have you entered to win 2 tickets to the Cleveland JazzFest? You can tweet daily for additional entries. How super are you? Show the world tomorrow, April 18, 2013: Cleveland’s official Superman Day! (source) Long before Avengers filmed here, young Clevelanders Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster put our city in the pop…

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A Crafty Avengers-Themed Birthday Surprise

First things first: Tomorrow is the Northeast Ohio Arthritis Foundation’s annual Fall fundraiser L’Amour du Vin and I have a giveaway winner to announce for it. After removing one pingback and placing the entries in, we have a winner: Congratulations to entry #14 – Katie K. Email me at clueintocleveland (at) gmail (dot) and I’ll let you know how to […]

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