Clue Into Cleveland Blogs, Ohio Blogging Edition

Last night, a handful of Cleveland bloggers headed to Tremont for July’s Ohio Blogging Meetup. Before converging on the Lincoln Park Pub for Taco Tuesday and a chat about blogging, we browsed the Tremont Farmers’ Market. I grabbed a peach and cherry pie from Gray House Pies and chicken paprikash…

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Ohio Blogging at Whole Foods University Heights

Valentine’s Day is only a couple days away. If you go out to celebrate, WhyCLE has Cleveland Valentine’s events for every sense and Bite Buff has some delicious dining options for you. Me? Scott and I keep it quiet on Valentine’s Day because we celebrate our anniversary the following week. This year,…

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Ways You Can Help the West Side Market Recovery

As we know from last week’s news, a fire tore through Cleveland’s West Side Market in the early morning hours of last Wednesday.    And while the city will pay for the clean up out of capital funds previously identified for WSM upgrades, there is still a lot of work that will need to be done and business…

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Giveaway: Fabulous Food Show is Ready for the Holidays

Although Hurricane Sandy put a delay on a lot of the Halloween festivities, I think it’s safe to safe the holiday season is finally upon us. And with the arrival of HallowThanksMas, my brain turns to food. That’s kind of a lie. My brain is usually turned to food, but more so over the next two months. As I prepare for Scott’s […]

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Guest Post: Smitten with Tremont's Wine and Design

As you read this, I’m on the road to Virginia to spend the week with my family. While I’m gone, I have a few local bloggers clue-ing into the things they love about Cleveland. First up is Kimberly, who not just shares my enthusiasm for this city, but is also a wonderful…

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Giveaway: Win 2 Tickets to the Spring Fabulous Food Show

When Scott and I bought our house a few years ago, our first investment for the outside was a nice patio set. We knew that if we wanted something to last awhile, we’d have to splurge a bit. And after looking back on summer nights spent grilling and enjoying our backyard, the set we got […]

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Event Recaps: Whole Foods Blogger Meetup + Battle Mint = A Week of Good Eats

A little bit of blog-keeping this Wednesday morning:  Congratulations to Sarah @ Cooker Girl – selected you to win 2 tickets to the Great Big Home and Garden Show! Email me at clueintocleveland (at) gmail (dot) com to arrange for your tickets. *** Thanks to the Ohio Blogging and #TeamSawyer meetups,…

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Want to win 2 tickets to the Fabulous Food Show?

Update: Congrats to entry #20 – Courtney M. for being selected on as the giveaway winner! Of course you do! Between the Piston Power Show and this weekend’s LEGO KidsFest, the I-X Center has been hosting a lot of fun events lately. However, one of their most popular (and…

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