Guest Post: 2013 Taste of the Browns to benefit the Cleveland Foodbank

It’s good to be back from vacation (stay tuned for my recaps next week)! Although our trip to Virginia and Baltimore Comic-Con kept us from attending this year’s Taste of the Browns, Alicia from Poise in Parma was able to go for me. Enjoy her recap of one of my…

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5 Recommendations for Wintertime Fun in Cleveland

Today is the Ohio Blogging Association‘s All State Blog Swap where bloggers from all around the state are swapping posts. This guest post is by Danielle from Find Time for Fun. Born and raised in Northeast Ohio, Danielle wanted to share her love of the area with her two young…

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Guest Post: What Not to Buy in Cleveland

Today’s the last day of my twenties and I plan on spending it doing nothing except sitting by the water and maybe eating some fresh crabs. Hopefully, I’ll get the rest and relaxation I need because once we get home we’ll be busier than usual playing host to a few out-of-town family and friends throughout September. Thankfully, Julie is here today […]

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Guest Post: Smitten with Tremont's Wine and Design

As you read this, I’m on the road to Virginia to spend the week with my family. While I’m gone, I have a few local bloggers clue-ing into the things they love about Cleveland. First up is Kimberly, who not just shares my enthusiasm for this city, but is also a wonderful…

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Guest Post: Not So Clueless in Clothing Anymore

Last week Scott and I took a drive out to Moreland Hills to visit J3 Clothing Company. We met up with Smitten…in Cleveland, Wearing Mascara, Blog – The New Black and Life in Cleveland for a blogger get-together hosted by the store. After thoroughly enjoying pizza from their next-door neighbor Flour, we spent our evening learning more about this unique, locally-owned men’s clothing store. I was […]

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Guest Post: Fashion Week Cleveland Recap

The only downside of heading out of town for friends’ wedding festivities is that I’ve had to miss out on a lot of Cleveland’s recent events – like Fashion Week Cleveland. Fortunately, I was able to turn to the most fashionable lady I know and ask her if she wanted to blog about FWC for me. […]

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