Clue into clePOP (aka We’re moving!)


Occasionally, whether we recognize it or not, it’s time to take a sabbatical.

A few months ago, I got an offer to move into PR Newswire’s marketing department to manage the company’s blog Beyond PR.

While I hadn’t been looking to start a new job at the time, I’m glad it came along. Getting to write, design, edit, organize our editorial calendar, recruit contributors and develop strategy every day has been a blast. A hectic blast, but a blast. I’ve also had the opportunity to talk to and learn from other bloggers about blogging.

Meanwhile, though, it’s been three months since I published a blog post here.

At first, it was because I didn’t have time. After running a company blog Monday-Friday, the idea of more blogging was not how I wanted to spend my limited down time.

However, after a few weeks, I realized that there was something more to this break.

While moderating a webinar on blogger burnout, I realized I was suffering from it.

After five years, I wasn’t enjoying my blog as much as I used to. I liked everything about blogging, but I was struggling with what I was blogging about.

When I started Clue Into Cleveland, I was interested in writing about the events and places I love in the city. And although I’m still interested in those things, there are other stories I want to tell beyond Northeast Ohio.

At the same time, Scott was beginning to do more publishing with his webcomics and together we began digging further into our shared interests of comics, pop art, gaming, science fiction and ‘nerd culture’ (for lack of a better word).

We started talking about launching a blog together. However, my biggest sticking point was that I wanted to also keep blogging about Cleveland.

It took a while, but we finally figured out a solution.

Fittingly, it happened the same way Clue Into Cleveland came about.

Apparently we do our best brainstorming in the car because a little over five years ago, while driving from Philly to Cleveland, we came up with the idea for Clue into Cleveland. And, last month, while on a roadtrip to Virginia, clePOP was born.

What is clePOP?

Well, you’ll be seeing more and more of it in the next week or so. This weekend, Scott and I are going to work on getting the blog’s design figured out and (hopefully) all of Clue Into Cleveland’s archives moved over to the new url

The plan is to blog once or twice a week. And I have good news for all of Scott’s fans (of which I count myself #1), Scott and I will be splitting blogging duties.

That means more haikus and humor, plus more topics like comic books, movies, art, roadtrips, pinball, and — yes — Cleveland.  We’ll probably also be writing more about the other projects we’re working on, be that a comic Scott just published or an interesting article from Beyond PR (like the time that LeBron and Delly inspired a blog post about achieving PR success with less). .

We may kick up some dust during the move to our new home; however, I hope you stick around for the changes!

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  1. This is exciting! I’m glad you’ll be covering pinball, and if you don’t mind a suggestion, I highly recommend checking out
    This is the inaugural year of this pinball show in Independence in September, and since I know who’s running it, I can guarantee it’ll be a blast!

  2. Congrats! I can’t wait to check out the new blog.

  3. Pingback: Content Marketing World 2015: Bright Lights, Big Content and Cleveland in the Center of It All |

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