This Thursday: Blogging Webinar Featuring Cleveland Bloggers @PoiseinParma & @MoninaW

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Join CLE bloggers @PoiseinParma and @MoninaW for this webinar I’m moderating on 4/2

Whether it’s been on Twitter  and Facebook or in real life at Ohio Blogging meetups, I’ve always counted myself lucky that blogging’s introduced me to so many fantastic and smart people.

I’ve shared some great experiences, developed dear friendships, and learned a lot.

That’s why, when it came to finding guests for a webinar on blogging, I didn’t have to look very far.

This Thursday, April 2, join me for a conversation about blogging with Poise in Parma and Ohio Blogging Association’s Alicia Hansen and Monina Wagner, community manager with the Content Marketing Institute and blogger at 37º and Sunny.

Going the Distance: How to Find Your Blog’s Focus & Avoid Blogger Burn Out will cover:

  • Tips and tools for structuring your blogging and maintaining momentum
  • How to consistently create fresh content and avoid running out of ideas
  • The importance of revisiting, refining, and refocusing your blog efforts

I’m excited to hear what Alicia and Monina have to say on the topic! 

The webinar will take place between 1 and 2 pm ET on April 2 and is completely free to attend. You can register at And when you tune in on Thursday, live tweet with us using #blogtips.

You can also catch up on a couple of my other posts on the subject here:

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