Giveaway: Taste of the Browns (and a Zoovies Winner!)


August 23rd can’t come soon enough — Not only is it Date Night at the Zoovies, it’s also my birthday. I can’t think of a better way to celebrate than seeing Back to the Future at the Zoo!

And one of you will be joining me at the sold-out event with your own pair of tickets. After removing one pingback, one duplicate entry and entering the remaining entries into, congratulations to:

Zoovies Winner

Entry # 75 — Michelle @tinktastic! Please reply to my email by Friday morning to redeem your two Zoovies tickets.

If you didn’t win, you have one more chance over at Poise in Parma. But before you head to Alicia’s giveaway, enter my new giveaway for Taste of the Browns below:

Giveaway: Taste of the Browns - Sept. 9

Taste of the Browns – Sept. 9

The Cleveland Browns have gone through a lot of changes as they head into the 2013 season. It’s Haslam’s first full season as owner, the team has a new coach, and the stadium a new name.

But one thing not changing this season is the Browns’ longtime support of the Cleveland Foodbank through their Taste of the Browns fundraiser.

On Monday, September 9, fans of Cleveland food and football will descend on First Energy stadium from 6-9pm to help raise funds for the Foodbank while enjoying treats from over 30 restaurants.

If you’ve never been, check out my review of last year’s Taste of the Browns which raised more than $140,500 for the Foodbank.

One thing to know is the Browns and the Foodbank outdo themselves every year and the 15th annual Taste of the Browns will be bigger and better than ever.

At Taste of the Browns, enjoy food and drink, while meeting current and alumni Cleveland Browns players

At Taste of the Browns, enjoy food and drink, while meeting current and alumni Cleveland Browns players

Restaurants serving up delicious signature dishes include: B-Spot Burgers, Deagan’s, Lago, Momocho/El Carnicero, The Greenhouse Tavern, Pier W and many more.

Cleveland Browns alumni and current players will also be on hand to meet and mingle with fans, while live music and auction and raffle items provide plenty of entertainment.

General admission tickets are $175 each ($75 is tax-deductible) and can be purchased here.

I also have 2 general admission tickets to give away. How to enter: Do one, some, or all five of the entries. A separate comment is needed for each.

There are 5 Easy Ways to Enter the Giveaway
**You must leave a separate comment on this post for each entry**

1) Leave a comment on this post telling me which Taste of the Browns restaurant you haven’t been to before that you’d like to try.

2) Follow @CleveFoodbank and @ADHicken on Twitter and leave one comment on this post telling me you did both.

3) If you’re a fan of Clue Into Cleveland and the Cleveland Foodbank on Facebook, leave one comment on this blog post letting me know. If you’re not yet a fan, you can become one here and here.

4) Tweet the following and leave one comment letting me know you tweeted:

I want to tackle hunger at @CleveFoodbank’s #TasteoftheBrowns. Enter @ADHicken’s giveaway and you can too:

You can tweet once per day for additional entries. Just leave a separate comment each time you tweet.

5) Subscribe to Clue Into Cleveland via a feed tracker like Bloglovin’ or Feedly and leave one comment letting me know you did. This can also include signing up to receive email notifications in the top-right “Subscribe” section of this page.

You have until Monday, August 19 at 11:59PM to enter. On Tuesday, August 20, I will select a winner using and will announce the winner’s name on my blog.  Remember to leave a separate comment for each entry – good luck!

Disclosure: I was invited to attend Taste of the Browns in exchange for hosting a giveaway. I will be out of town and unable to attend. I am also a council member of YP Pantry, the Foodbank’s young professionals group.  However, my choice to post about this event and opinions are 100% my own.
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  1. I would love to try lago.

  2. Already follow both on twitter

  3. Like both on Facebook

  4. i would like to try brookstone

  5. follow both of you on twitter already :)

  6. follow both on facebook

  7. now following via bloglovin’

  8. follow you both already on twitter. like you both already on facebook and tweeted @whitestar112

  9. I follow both on twitter

  10. I am a fan of both on facebook

  11. I subscribe through Bloglovin’

  12. Really want to try Hodge’s!

  13. tweeted today

  14. Would love to try Pier W!

  15. I want to try Deagan’s!

  16. I follow both on Twitter

  17. I follow both on Facebook

  18. i want to try Hodge’s

  19. I followed both on twitter

  20. i’m new to town so i haven’t tried any of the restaurants – this would be an awesome opportunity to remedy that!

  21. following you both on twitter

  22. following you both on facebook

  23. tweeted about giveaway

  24. I would love to try anything from The Chocolate Bar. I’ve heard so much about them but never been.

  25. I follow @CleveFoodbank and @ADHicken on twitter as @amy91774

  26. I would love to try Fahrenheit!

  27. Haven’t been to Brickstone. Hopefully, we’ll get to try them there!

  28. I follow both. @fmayse

  29. I follow both on FB.

  30. I’m a fan of both!

  31. I follow both on Twitter.

  32. I subscribe to the blog!

  33. I tweeted!. @fmayse

  34. I subscribe to your blog via

  35. I haven’t been to Lago.

  36. Like both on FB

  37. I’m subscribed to Clue Into Cleveland

  38. Table 45 – I’ve heard great things, just never been.

  39. Fan of CIC & Foodbank

  40. I’d love to try Momochos !

  41. I’d love to give Cowell and Hubbard a try

  42. I follow both on Twitter

  43. I’m a fan of both on Facebook

  44. I’m subscribed via Feedly

  45. I’d love to try Georgetown Restaurants. Maybe they will have their lobster pizza – I’ve had my eye on it ever since PD named it one of the best dishes in Cleveland :).

  46. Liked both on Facebook

  47. I followed both on Twitter

  48. I’m subscribed via Feedly

  49. Wednesday tweet

  50. I would love to try Cowell & Hubbard!

  51. I follow both on twitter

  52. I subscribe on Bloglovin

  53. I’d like to try Lago.

  54. Follow you both on twitter!

  55. tweeted 8/14/13

  56. I would love to try some yummies from Chinato!

  57. Would love to try Lago!

  58. I follow both on FB!

  59. I would like to try Hodges….here the tots are great

  60. I follow both on Twitter

  61. I like both on Facebook

  62. I tweeted 8/14

  63. would like to try Pier W

  64. follow both twitter accounts

  65. like both facebook pages

  66. I tweeted (again!)

  67. subscribed via bloglovin

  68. I follow both on Twitter!

  69. Already follow both and tweeted!

  70. tweeted today!

  71. I would love to try Fahrenheit!

  72. following you both on Twitter!

  73. subscribed to get notifications of new posts!

  74. Pingback: The Clue-Down: 12 Upcoming Cleveland Events

  75. Thursday tweet

  76. browns preseason win #2 tweet

  77. Would like to try lago

  78. Followed @CleveFoodbank and @ADHicken on Twitter

  79. I am a fan of Clue Into Cleveland and the Cleveland Foodbank on Facebook

  80. I tweeted

  81. I would like to try Georgetown Restaurants

  82. I follow both @CleveFoodbank and @ADHicken on Twitter

  83. tweeted Friday

  84. I subscribed to blog

  85. I tweeted 8-16-13

  86. I tweeted again

  87. Saturday tweet

  88. Tweeted Saturday

  89. I tweeted for today!

  90. tweeted sunday

  91. tweeted today (sun)

  92. Would love to try B-spot. Pier W is one of my favs though.

  93. I already follow those handles on twidder!

  94. I tweeted your message today

  95. I subscribed to ur newsletter

  96. tweeted 8-19-13

  97. Like both on Facebook

  98. follow both on twitter

  99. The devil in me wants to try Little Devil Cupcakery!

  100. I tweeted again!

  101. Follow both on twitter

  102. Would love to try Fahrenheit & Hodges

  103. Would enjoy trying Momocho/El Carnicero.

  104. Following both on Twitter

  105. Like both on Facebook

  106. I tweeted!!

  107. I already like you both!

  108. I follow you both too!

  109. Already subscribed to you!

  110. I have never been to Fahrenheit and am dying to go!

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