Giveaway: Go Back to the Future at the #ZOOvies

Twilight at the Zoo 2013

Twilight at the Zoo 2013

Sometimes the weather gods try to ruin the best of plans. Perfect example: Our first Twilight at Zoo on Friday night. However, try as Friday’s monsoon might, it couldn’t stop us from having a wild time at the Zoo!

Fortunately before the rain started, we were able to sample some of the food and drink at the VIP party.  We enjoyed tastings from Mitchell’s Fish Market, Fleming’s Prime Steakhouse and AMP 150 (their crab and salad plates are pictured above).

We also enjoyed a few sips of Fireball and Firefly Moonshine. The Fireball+Angry Orchard mix was so good that I risked running through the storm for some more – it was worth it.

The one downside was that we didn’t have a chance to see a lot of the bands. However, we escaped inside the Primate, Cat and Aquatics building when the rain started, where we made our own fun and visited with some beautiful creatures.

Cleveland Metroparks Zoo

We may have called it an early night, but I now see why it’s the summer party on everyone’s list.  It also didn’t hurt that this year’s Twilight at the Zoo raised $590,000 for the Zoo and its programs!

Fortunately, the Cleveland Zoological Society has
one more party up its sleeve this summer!

On August 23, make a date for the Zoo’s 2nd annual Date Night at the Zoovies.

Date Night at the Zoovies - August 23

From 7-8pm, enjoy free beer, wine and light appetizers while exploring the Australian Adventure and African Savanna sections of the Zoo.

At 8:30pm, it’s “your density – I mean destiny” to bring your blanket and chairs to the Savanna Theater for a viewing of Back to the Future under the night sky.

Hot pretzels, popcorn, candy, beer, wine, soda and water will be available for free during the movie.


It was such a great time last year that this year’s Date Night at the Zoovies has already sold out.  Don’t worry, though, because I have 2 tickets to give away!

How to enter: Do one, some, or all five of the entries. A separate comment is needed for each.

5 Easy Ways to Enter the Giveaway
**You must leave a separate comment on this post for each entry**

1) When you visit the Cleveland Metroparks Zoo, what’s your favorite part? Leave one comment with your answer, good for one entry.

2) Follow @CleveZooSociety and @ADHicken on Twitter and leave one comment on this post telling me you did both.

3) If you’re a fan of Clue Into Cleveland and the Cleveland Zoological Society on Facebook, leave one comment on this blog post letting me know. If you’re not yet a fan, you can become one here and here.

4) Tweet the following and leave one comment letting me know you tweeted:

Hop in your DeLorean with @CleveZooSociety! Enter @ADHicken’s giveaway to win tickets to Date Night at the #ZOOvies

You can tweet once per day for additional entries. Just leave a separate comment each time you tweet.

5) Subscribe to Clue Into Cleveland via a feed tracker like Bloglovin’ or Feedly and leave one comment letting me know you did. This can also include signing up to receive email notifications in the top-right “Subscribe” section of this page.

You have until August 12 at 11:59PM to enter. On August 13, I will select a winner using and announce the winner’s name on Clue Into Cleveland. Remember to leave a separate comment for each entry – good luck!

DeLorean photo source: AdamL212
Disclosure: Photos courtesy of Cleveland Zoological Society. In exchange for posting about the Zoo’s summer events and hosting a Zoovies giveaway, I was invited to attend Twilight at the Zoo and Date Night at the Zoovies. My choice to host this giveaway and opinions of Twilight are my own.
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  1. I follow you and the zoo (oh that rhymes!) on Twitter!

  2. My favorite part about the zoo is always the baby animals. So much cuteness!

  3. Tweeted today

  4. Polar Bears!!!!

  5. Followed both on FB

  6. Followed both of facebook

  7. Favorite part of the zoo are the polar bears!

  8. Following both on FB

  9. I love to watch the tigers when I visit the Cleveland Metroparks Zoo!

  10. Favorite part is watching the wolfs and giraffes

  11. Of course, darlings, I am a am a Facebook fan of you both

  12. I love the polar bear and getting a workout while having fun with my family.

  13. I followed both you and the Cleveland Zoo Society!

  14. Liked both pages on Facebook!

  15. My favorite part of the zoo is the elephants, I could watch them all day!

  16. I follow both @CleveZooSociety and @ADHicken! @charityherb

  17. I’m a fan of both on FB!

  18. I love the elephants and the wolves!

  19. My fave part of visiting the Cleveland Metroparks Zoo is a tie between watching any of the adorable primates interracting or feeding the cute little lorakeets the nectar.

  20. I Follow @CleveZooSociety and @ADHicken on Twitter!!!

  21. I’m a fan of Clue Into Cleveland and the Cleveland Zoological Society on Facebook

  22. I tweeted “Hop in your DeLorean with @CleveZooSociety! Enter @ADHicken’s giveaway to win tickets to Date Night at the #ZOOvies

  23. I’m a fan of the whole gang on FB! :-)

  24. My favorite part of the zoo is seeing my daughters eyes light up when she sees all the animals! :) I love the giraffe’s and she loves the elephants!!!

  25. I love seeing the elephants! They’re so cute!

  26. I followed on Twitter.

  27. I retweeted.

  28. I was already a fan of Cleveland Zoological Society and I became a fan of Clue into Cleveland.

  29. I subscribed to the blog.

  30. My favorite part of the Zoo is seeing my little ones get so excited about watching the animals and learning about them. We absolutely LOVE the Zoo!

  31. Already a fan of Cleveland Metroparks Zoo on FB!!

  32. My favorite part of the zoo is all of it! I’ve been coming to the zoo since the early 60’s! I remember the seal exhibit being near the front. You used to be able to feed them fish. Such fun! Now I’m a fan of Clue into Cleveland AND the Zoo! Cleveland is a great place to be in the summer!

  33. Sharon M Ganelli

    Favorite part of the zoo? The giraffes!! And the cotton candy!

  34. Following the Cleveland Zoo and ADHicken on Twitter!

  35. I’m a fan of Cleveland Zoological Society and Clue into Cleveland on FB!

  36. Following on bloglovin’!

  37. I tweeted today – Tuesday

  38. I am subscribed via Feedly!

  39. My favorite part of the zoo is visiting the wolves and the bald eagle.

  40. I follow you both on Twitter.

  41. I like you both of Facebook.

  42. I subscribe using Feedly.

  43. My favorite part of the zoo is feeding the giraffes. We got lucky and happened to be there one day when they were doing it. It was very cool to be that close and check them out.


    I followed @CleveZooSociety and @ADHicken on Twitte

  45. I tweeted about the giveaway too!

    Hop in your DeLorean with @CleveZooSociety! Enter @ADHicken’s giveaway to win tickets to Date Night at the #ZOOvies

  46. My favorite animals to see at the zoo are the giraffes

  47. My favorite animals to see at the zoo are the big cats (all of them)

  48. I subscribed to Clue Into Cleveland via feed tracker Bloglovin’

  49. I’m a fan on facebook!

  50. “liked’ Clue into Cleveland!

  51. I tweeted today! Hope I win.

  52. When you visit the Cleveland Metroparks Zoo, what’s your favorite part?
    My Favorite part is the Australian Adventure

  53. Follow @CleveZooSociety and @ADHicken on Twitter and leave one comment on this post telling me you did both.
    I’m following both, I’m @krafty

  54. I tweeted
    Hop in your DeLorean with @CleveZooSociety! Enter @ADHicken’s giveaway to win tickets to Date Night at the #ZOOvies

  55. This can also include signing up to receive email notifications in the top-right “Subscribe” section of this page.

    I signed up via email.

  56. tweeted today – Wednesday

  57. I’m a fan of Clue Into Cleveland and the Cleveland Zoological Society on Facebook

  58. I subscribe using WordPress’s Reader

  59. Pingback: Guest Post: When "Weird Al" Rocked My World

  60. I tweeted today!

  61. I follow you at
    @CleveZooSociety and @ADHicken

  62. I’m a fan at clue into cleveland, and cleveland zoological society on FB

  63. I tweeted:
    Hop in your DeLorean with @CleveZooSociety! Enter @ADHicken’s giveaway to win tickets to Date Night at the #ZOOvies

  64. My favorite part of the zoo is that it is a different trip every time we go! so much to see!

  65. michelle @tinktastic

    well i tweeted once again today!! and follwed and I already follow the zoo society and them on facebook i did like clue into cleveland on facebook the other day as well!!

  66. Michelle @tinktastic

    My favorite part of the zoo would be on the way to the wolves love the bird watching we Have our own binoculars My nephews get so excited When they spot the different birds to think that rams an sheep used to roam that hillside back in the day!

  67. Michelle @tinktastic

    I signed up for email notification as well!!!

  68. Michelle @tinktastic


  69. Michelle @tinktastic

    Happily tweeted!!

  70. tweeted! Crossing fingers…

  71. I tweeted one last time before the contest ends

  72. Michelle @tinktastic

    Tweeted !!!

  73. My favorite part of the zoo is easily the Elephant Crossing. A very nice addition.

  74. I’m following both of you.

  75. Last night, Darth Vader came down from Planet Vulcan and told me that if I didn’t like both pages on Facebook, that he’d melt my brain. So I’m now a fan of both pages.

  76. The elephants are always a favorite!

  77. I follow you and the zoo!

  78. I am a fan of both on Facebook.

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