Tremont Doubleheader: OH Blogging and CLE Beer Week

Sadly the bulk of Cleveland Beer Week falls during one of work’s busiest times of year so I haven’t really had a chance to enjoy much of the festivities. However, when I saw on Monday that Tremont Taphouse was showing Monty Python and the Holy Grail on their patio and serving up ale in Grail goblets you […]

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Smartphone Rehab (or An Excuse to Get Away to NY)

Some blogkeeping: Today’s the last day of the L’Amour du Vin giveaway. You can enter here until 11:59 tonight and I’ll announce the winner tomorrow. I have an addiction. To my cellphone. Whether it’s checking my email, refreshing news apps to see if there are new articles to read (regardless of whether or not the topic […]

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