Jump Back Ball 2012, Part 1: A Look Behind the Looking Glass

Before joining PlayhouseSquare Partners, I used to hate this time of year.  I’d get all pumped up by the craziness of the holidays; and then once January hit, it was like popping a balloon…instant deflation as the pace of things abruptly came to a halt. Now this time of year means one thing:…

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Jump Back Ball 2012 Ticket Kickoff – Nov. 3

A couple months ago at PlayhouseSquare’s Young Professionals Movie Night, I was happy to join my fellow Jump Back Ball co-chair Meredith in announcing the theme of this year’s Jump Back Ball: Jump Back Through the Looking Glass The planning has been amping up since then — as we recreate the whimsical world of…

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PlayhouseSquare's Free YP Night at the Cinema

One of my favorite summer series – PlayhouseSquare’s Cinema at the Square – starts up tonight with King Kong.  As much I enjoy spending the warm-weather months outdoors, sometimes I like escaping into the air conditioning, curling up in a theatre seat and getting engrossed in a movie. And when it’s a classic film —…

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Jump Back Ball, Part 8: A recap of JBB20, Passport to Party

The last time I posted, I had been rushing out the door to finish getting ready for Saturday night’s Jump Back Ball.  I pretty much had been looking forward to PlayhouseSquare’s annual benefit since I first read about it last year — so when I walked in the doors of the theatre,…

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Jump Back Ball, Part 7: Today's the Day. Are You Ready?

In a couple hours, a year’s worth of planning comes together and Jump Back Ball 20 gets underway. Needless to say, I’ve been counting down the days over the last week as we got closer to today – making sure I had everything I needed, doublechecking I hadn’t lost my tickets, and…

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Jump Back Ball, Part 6: A Passport to the Passport to Party Theme

With only one week until set up day for Jump Back Ball, saying it’s crunch time would be an understatement. Over the last month, members of Partners have met a couple times each week in the Hanna Building, putting together the decorations for the event.  Since the first Shop Night…

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Missed out on Jump Back Ball tickets? Metromix Cleveland Contest

A couple people have asked about how to get tickets now that Jump Back Ball has sold out. Although the only tickets I have are the two @ScottHicken and I will be using, Metromix Cleveland and wkyc are sponsoring a contest where two winners will get a pair of tickets…

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Jump Back Ball, Part 5: Get Involved at a Shop Night

It’s official:  As of Friday morning, PlayhouseSquare’s 20th Annual Jump Back Ball has sold out.  Congratulations to the theatre and Partners for selling the tickets necessary to hit this landmark for the sixth year in a row! Of course, preparations for the February 26th event are far from over. This…

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Jump Back Ball: Ticket Sales Update

  Just got the below email from PlayhouseSquare and wanted to pass it on: The 20th Annual Jump Back Ball is nearly SOLD OUT! If you have not already ordered your ticket, do so TODAY. Order online at http://www.playhousesquare.org/jumpbackball/tickets.html or call 216-348-5265 So … if you haven’t bought a ticket…

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Jump Back Ball, Part 4: Getting Ready for Your Evening

Although the last few posts in my Jump Back Ball series have been dedicated to the event itself, I wanted to take a break with this latest post and focus on getting ready for the evening. As a Jump Back Ball first-timer, this was actually one of the bigger things…

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