Clue Into Cleveland Blogs, the Superman Day Edition

A few reminders:

  • Today’s the last day to enter my Tri-C JazzFest Giveaway. Enter here and remember to tweet daily for additional entries.
  • As I posted yesterday, today is also Superman Day! Here’s a story on NPR about Superman and Cleveland and here’s my #SuperCLE contribution:
Superman Day

Traveling Hulk got his hands on a red cape in honor of Superman Day. Up-up-and-away!

A couple weeks ago, I wrote about wanting to read more blogs and how I decided to start a regular Clue Into Cleveland Blogs round-up to get myself back in the habit.

I lied, though. I promised I’d be back every other week with this and I couldn’t even get past the first round-up without a delay. #BlogFail.

However, I’m a believer in try-try-again. So here we are – better late than never – my round-up of 10 posts I’ve recently enjoyed from blogs around Cleveland!

Cleveland Commentary

#1   It’s always difficult to put feelings about tragic events like this year’s Boston Marathon into words. But one of my favorite local running bloggers – MojaMala – did a beautiful job. After reading Boston Heartbreak, check out this updated list of ways you can help (thanks to Alicia and Jen for sharing).

#2  The Cleveland Plain Dealer recently announced they will continue printing the paper but limiting delivery to only 3 days a week. Again? Really? shares his thoughts in Good-Bye, P.D.

Around Town

#3   Let’s lighten the mood a bit. Jessica at JAMinCLE shares her Weekend ’round Cleveland Recap, which included a trip to the new Cleveland Flea and the Portside Distillery, among many other fun things.

#4   The Cleveland Indians are back!  Cleveland Food and Brews shares his recommendations for Where to Grab Food and a Craft Beer before an Indians’ Game.

#5   Do you have that place in your neighborhood you mean to visit but never get around to?  BiteBuff reviews her recent trip to La Bodega in Tremont. That ham, brie, and pineapple sandwich looks incredible!

#6  To quote Avenue Q, “I wish I could go back to college…” Just for one day, so I can enjoy Kent State’s Wines of Northeast Ohio class which Jess{ly} in Cleveland is taking. This is part 1 — I’m looking forward to reading where they’ll go next.

For the Home

#7   My friend BEaLittleWeird has me almost convinced to cut the cord from cable (the only thing holding me back is my addiction to HBO). However, his look at Why Aereo is Such a Big Deal has me one step closer. Speaking of streaming TV, how excited are you for new Arrested Development? I can’t wait!

#8  My cat Chloe has put many a scratch on our coffee tables. Some say it adds character, I disagree. Dina’s Days is to the rescue with a neat DIY project to Dress Up Your Desk or Coffee Table.


#9   Growing up on the Chesapeake Bay fostered a very guilty pleasure for nautical-themed anything. So CLE Fashionista’s Nautical Fashions caught my eye immediately. I want that bracelet!

#10  With a new season of Don, Joan, and the gang comes the return of Mad Men Mondays! In this installment, Smitten in Cleveland pairs a classic Beef Wellington recipe with a lovely ensemble and wine. (Personally, I’d like to see more of Ken and his secret sci-fi writing this season.)

And there you have it!  Do you have any Cleveland-based blogs you’d recommend I check out for future round-ups? Let me know in the comments!

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  1. Thanks for the shout out! I need to get in the habit of doing a round up as well. The more CLE blog love we can spread, the better 😉 I wonder if H&M still has the bracelet. It’s pretty new and super affordable!

  2. First off, thank you so much for the shout out!!! I love your CLE blog round ups and I’m so honored to be on it!

    Two, you grew up in Chesapeake Bay? As in Virginia? I grew up in Virginia Beach! Small world :)
    I was a Navy brat, so I of course love all things nautical. It doesn’t help that one of my sorority’s symbols is a sail boat, too haha!

  3. Pingback: {Life Update} – The Final Countdown | Jess{ly} in Cleveland

  4. Pingback: {Life Update} - The Final Countdown - Healthy = Happy

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