Giveaway Winner + a New Series: The CLE Blogs Round-Up

After getting home last night from FablesCon, it was time to head back to reality today. But first, I had a winner to announce for the Market at the Foodbank giveaway!

After removing pingbacks and non-entry comments, the winner as selected by is…

Market at the Foodbank winner

… entry #5, Anne Smith of BikeCLE. Congratulations! Please email me at clueintocleveland (at) gmail (dot) com.

There are only a few days left to buy Market at the Foodbank tickets at a discounted price. Through the end of March, tickets cost $85. In April and at the door, they go up to $100. Learn more and buy tickets to the April 14 event at

Traveling Hulk wishes he was still at Fablescon

Traveling Hulk wishes he was still at Fablescon

As I shared yesterday, all I have for our time at Fabletown and Beyond is love. In fact, if I had to nitpick the weekend, the only problem had nothing to do with the convention:

It finally dawned on me that I’m too old for 13+ hours in the car.

As comfortable as our CR-V is, I went stir-crazy around hour 7 (my GPS snafu also didn’t help things) and ran straight from the car to our hotel room the moment we parked in Rochester.

The only upside of the long drives there and back was that I had a chance to catch up on my blog reading.

While I repeatedly tell myself I’m going to read more blogs, more often, I never find the time. I realized if I’m going to get myself back in the habit, I need something that will force me to make the time (like 13 hours in the car).

Nook - Cleveland Blogs

Despite earlier customer service issues, my Nook made the roadtrip a little more bearable

So! Inspired by Poise in Parma and Am I There Yet, I’m going to start posting a Cleveland Blogs round-up.

I can’t guarantee I’ll do it every week, but expect a new collection of blog posts every other week.

For this first edition, I’m going to keep it short with a simple thanks to these and all the other bloggers whose posts helped me on the road to Fabletown and Beyond:

Do you have any Cleveland-based blogs you’d recommend I check out for future round-ups? Let me know in the comments!

Disclosure: As previously disclosed, I was given a pair of tickets to give away to Market at the Foodbank and am also a boardmember of the Foodbank’s young professionals group.
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  1. Thanks for the shot out! I feel like I’m doomed/excited to someday get an Alice in Wonderland tattoo or Jitterbug Perfume (crazy awesome book!)

    LOVE that you love Cleveland Frowns too.

    p.s. I really liked your derby recap, I’ve never been and want to go but am scared to go by myself- let me know when you’re going :)

  2. Love the roundup! I’m always looking for new CLE blogs to read/follow since I’m just starting out in the whole blogging thing :) Thanks for sharing!

  3. Great post and love the round-up idea. I am from the area and just started my first blog (cleveland based of course!). I’d love to get your feedback and hear a little about how you got started. Maybe someday I will be established enough to make it into your round-up!

  4. Thank you for the shout out Amanda! Now I have some more blogs to add to my list :)

  5. Pingback: Clue Into Cleveland Blogs, the Superman Day Edition

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