Jump Back Ball Fashions and My Dear Friend Etsy

Accessorizing.  It’s the best part of Jump Back Ball prep.

The upside to last year’s dress debacle and scrambling for a last minute replacement is that I learned how much I love Etsy. A few accessories can take any dress and tie it into the theme.

PlayhouseSquare Jump Back Ball

Another lesson I learned from last year is the need to get my dress early – a dark blue one-shoulder gown that didn’t break the bank and is a great base for a Mrs. Peacock ensemble.

With the dress in hand, I turned to Etsy. From head to toe, I’ve found plenty of Peacock-themed ideas on the site.

Hair-raising Jump Back Ball Accessories:

[prw username=”clueintocle” boardname=”jump-back-ball-hair-accessories” maxfeeds=”9″ divname=”myList” printtext=”0″ target=”newwindow” useenclosures=”yes” thumbwidth=”170″ thumbheight=”170″ showfollow=”medium”]

All That Glimmers…Jump Back Ball Jewelry:

[prw username=”clueintocle” boardname=”jump-back-ball-jewelry” maxfeeds=”9″ divname=”myList” printtext=”0″ target=”newwindow” useenclosures=”yes” thumbwidth=”170″ thumbheight=”170″ showfollow=”medium”]

Dress Up Those Dancing Shoes:

[prw username=”clueintocle” boardname=”jump-back-ball-shoe-accents” maxfeeds=”9″ divname=”myList” printtext=”0″ target=”newwindow” useenclosures=”yes” thumbwidth=”170″ thumbheight=”170″ showfollow=”medium”]

And to complete my outfit, this vintage coat from one of my favorite Cleveland shops Room Service (who is now doing wedding planning for you soon-to-be Cleveland brides): Jump Back Ball Vintage Coat from Room Service

The only thing left on my Jump Back Ball to-do list: What’s a Clue costume without a weapon?

Or in my case, a handmade brooch inspired by Peacock’s weapon of choice. A trip to Pat Catan’s is in my near future – especially with this weekend’s coupons.

Going to this year’s Jump Back Ball on Feb. 23? Need some accessories to spice up your outfit?

Here’s what a quick search got me. Someone please buy the Hungry Hungry Hippos hat – I’m kind of in love with it:

[prw username=”clueintocle” boardname=”other-boardgame-fashion-ideas” maxfeeds=”10″ divname=”myList” printtext=”0″ target=”newwindow” useenclosures=”yes” thumbwidth=”170″ thumbheight=”170″ showfollow=”medium”]

Share your Jump Back Ball fashion ideas in the comments!

This is part 4 in my Jump Back Two Spaces series. Check out my previous posts:

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  1. I love Etsy, particularly for JBB! I already got my plum fascinator, now I just need spectacles. I already have my eye on something (haha) that I think is just right.
    Oh, and your dress is gorgeous!

  2. Love your dress! I never would have thought about David’s Bridal for non-wedding occassions.

    • Thanks! I had passed it by when it was hanging up on a hanger, but then saw it on a mannequin and figured I’d give it a try. Had been to a few other stores beforehand – David’s Bridal was my last ditch effort. Glad I went!

  3. That dress is fabulous – can’t wait to see it all put together!

  4. That dress will be fantastic on you! Can’t wait to see it. Love that pic of you ladies too.

  5. I could spend HOURS on Etsy and Pinterest…danger zone! Looks like it’s all coming together! A quick go-to place that I’ve found some cheap costume jewelry too is Charming Charlie’s. Don’t have to spend a fortune and it often has that fun dramatic flair. Can’t wait to see your final outfit choice :)

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