Clue Into Cleveland Blogs: The 12 Blogs of Christmas Edition

Bloggers and blog supporters at the Ohio Blogging Holiday Party. Check out some of these Cleveland blogs in this month's round-up.

Bloggers and blog supporters at the Ohio Blogging Holiday Party (photo: WhyCLE). Check out some of these Cleveland blogs in this month’s round-up.

I can’t believe Christmas is less than a week away! Before the big day, though, we have one more weekend of holiday shenanigans with our annual Tri-County Christmas dinner, followed by Prosperity Social Club’s holiday show on Sunday (if you read Tuesday’s post, you know how excited I am for that and why you should go).

This morning, though, I’m just taking it easy, curled up with a cup of hot chocolate, catching up on my blog reading. So let’s get started:

Clue Into Cleveland Blogs: The 12 Blogs of Christmas Edition

1) First off, a big thank you to WhyCLE for hosting this year’s Ohio Blogging Holiday Party. Our annual cookie exchange had a new addition with a Holiday Beer Exchange. I can’t wait to dig into my six-pack on Christmas Day. You can read the full recap at Why? Ohio Blogging Holiday Party!

A Season for Reflection

2) The holidays are so busy that it can be impossible to appreciate everything around you. In sights and sounds {part 3}, Poise in Parma reflects on a recent weekend filled with yoga, friends, family, and CPH’s production of A Christmas Story.

3) As 2013 comes to a close, Call Me Trouble looks back and celebrates her year with 30 in 2013: What I’m Thankful For. My favorite is #12 — learning how to make cheese!

4) Holly Hammersmith (who just updated her blog name – congrats!) shares this beautiful reflection of a scenic drive along the lakefront: Feeling at Home in Cleveland.

5) Our Journey recently attended her son’s first holiday show at school and wonders where the time has gone in Drew’s First School Program.

Animal Crackers in My Soup

6) Did you know Ohio Festivals has a second blog, Man-gi-am-OH? There you’ll find Kristian’s thoughts on food, family, and non-festival life. His family recently lost their dog Max and he has a beautiful tribute, The Two Maxes: A Farewell to the Hairy One

7) In Once Upon a Time at Garlic FestThe Girl I Mean To Be tells the story of how she went to the Garlic Festival and left the owner of two chickens and a coop. My senior art project was a mural based on Waiting for Godot, so I am a huge fan of the chickens’ new names.

Run, Run, Rudolph!

8) The weekend that Scott and I participated in the Jingle Bell Run was a busy weekend for Cleveland runners. Go Run Jess recaps A Christmas Story 5K, which took place that Saturday and celebrated the film’s 30th anniversary. It looks like it was a lot of fun!

9) Lane Baldwin took a break from her busy photography schedule to run the Cincinnati Turkey Trot 10K with her family. Congrats on checking off another item in your 101 in 1001 list!

Last Minute Holiday Shopping

10) For the runner in your life, ROJ Running has 13 Gifts from 2013.

11) Smitten in CLE has everyone else on your list covered with Gifts for The Entertainer, The Epicurean, The Glitterista, and The Guy That Has Everything.

12) Need a gift idea for me? From The Cheap Seats’ The One With Spider-Man has me adding this zip-up Spider-Man hoodie to my list.

Don’t forget the card! In my bonus blog post, Tis the Season in CLE shares her five picks for CLE’s Best Boutiques for Holiday Cards.

As the holidays hit full-force, I hope you find a moment to relax and maybe catch up on some reading. Check out all of these blogs for inspiration, along with the other OHBlogging attendees Miss WineOH and Inaccurate and Unreliable.

What are your favorite blogs that I should clue into?

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  1. Very sweet to round up the blogs together (and I love the photo). It was great seeing you at the Cookie Exchange/Holiday Party!

  2. Thank you for the wrap up Amanda! Great to see you at the cookie exchange!

  3. Thanks for sharing, Amanda! Happy Holidays :)

  4. Thanks for including me in your round up. Love the other posts too, what a great idea.

  5. Thank you for the mention! Have a great weekend!

  6. I know this is not an original comment but I second, third, or tenth the way you recapped the event! So festive and fun and most of all, thoughtful! Thanks (as always!) for the shout out. It was great to see you and I hope your holiday was full of joy.

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